Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me!  I am three years old now, officially.  Three years ago, I was born on a nice farm, and blessed the world with my presence.  In case you don't know this, I am pretty awesome!  I enjoy every day that I am alive.  Every morning I wake up, and I say "Hello, World!"  I also make sure the People know that I am excited that it is morning, and I am happy to see them.

So, what are my birthday plans?  First, I got up, got out of bed and had some treats, ate my tasty breakfast and went outside for the world to see me.  Then, I plan on coming back in and taking a nice relaxing nap.  Then, the people will come home, and they are going to have a little party for me.  I will probably invite my girlfriend over and tell my other dog friends about it.  We will have a party with bones, water bowls, and some music.  Then, the people will give me some presents.  Probably clothes, a lot of toys, maybe my own seat in the car and a brush to make me look really good.  I had my bath earlier this week, so I am looking especially good.  I can't wait for my party....I know we will be Raising the Woof, Woof!

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