Sunday, February 5, 2017

A Dog's Point of View About A Dog's Purpose

The Mommy and the Daddy went to see the movie, A Dog's Purpose.  I didn't get to go to the movies because they don't let dogs in.  I think that is the first thing that I think is wrong with the movie. When the movie is about dogs, they should let the People take their dogs.  I know I would have been hugged a lot and been given lots of treats after that movie. The Mommy said she cried big tears in the movie at least three times.  I don't blame her. We dogs can be very touching and special animals.

When the Mommy, and the Daddy read the book, A Dog's Purpose, I read it, too.  It was one of the first books I read with the Mommy.  It was so special because that's when I decided I loved reading.  I would put my paw up on the page and look at the words with her.  When she would tell about what she read, I would nod my head, and say "yes that is what it was about." The Mommy and the Daddy cried when they read the book.  I think they didn't even realize they were crying, but they were. That's why the Mommy took tissues in her purse before she even went to the movie.  She knew she would cry.

The movie, like a lot of movies, was different from the book.  I don't remember the Daddy being mean in the book.  I do remember the Todd boy being mean.  They also spent more time on the Bailey dog than I remember in the book.  In the book, the part that made the people cry was when the German Shepherd saved the kid from drowning.  That dog was a hero.  I think the movie should have spent more time talking about what a hero dogs are.  Dogs are big heroes in the lives of other dogs, and even the People's lives.  If dogs could talk, the People might be surprised by what we would say.

That's another thing I didn't really like about the movie. I  didn't like the voice they gave Bailey, the dog. That's not what dogs sounds like when they talk. Dogs sound more like kids, and they are more excited.  That dog sounded like an old dog who was tired and telling his story while he was laying on his front porch in between his twentieth nap of the day.  Dogs are more excited in life than that.  They talk more upbeat, and they are more excited about things.  That voice they gave Bailey was tooooo slooowwww.  I bet Bailey was like most dogs, including me, and he would have talked like every day was the best day of his life.  At least, that's the way I think.  I think every day is the best day of my life.

Mostly, I really liked the movie because it's about dogs.  I do want to say that I think it was a really mean thing that someone did to try to keep the movie from being successful.  They made up a lie that someone hurt a dog when making the movie.  Then, there was an investigation by the People, and they found out someone made it all up.  I guess there are more People in the world like Todd than we realize.

Overall, A Dog's Purpose was a really good movie. And, if you asked me which dog I am most like, I would say most of them. I know what it's like to be taken away as a puppy, I know what it's like to be with a family, I know what it's like to be a hero, I know what it's like just to have a normal every day life, and I know what it's like to find the People who will always love you in their hearts.

1 comment:

  1. I agree wif ya dat us pups should be allowed in theaters - we'd help clean up spilled popcorn!
